Let’s Yarn: Eating and Body Issues Amongst Mob – Butterfly: Let’s Talk Season 1, Episode 11

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people experience body dissatisfaction and eating disorders as much as everyone else. But there are risk factors that are unique to this community, along with unique pathways to recovery.

Garra is a proud Waridjuri, Kamilaroi, Bundjulung and Yuin woman and experienced an eating disorder after moving from Country to Sydney. Hear how she’s learned to resist Western ideals of beauty and to express her own style.

Felicia is a proud Kamilaroi and Dhunghutti sister-girl who is also a well-known performer. For years she struggled with expectations of how her body should look—until she realised it was just like her ancestors’.

AJ is a proud Wiradjuri  and Wotjobulak man.  He was bullied as a teenager and says this contributed to his eating disorder which went undiagnosed because he is male. Today AJ works as a cultural mentor as well as in mental health first aid.

Aboriginal health workers, Liz and Jed, explain why culture can be key to recovery for mob. Let’s yarn!

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